And now, some actual content. I moved into my apartment in Northfield, MN about a week ago, and have been settling in. It's a bit weird to be finally entirely on my own, but I think I'm handling it pretty well, if a bit belatedly. I'm neither starving nor covered in my own filth, and scurvy is held at bay by fruits. I'm pretty sure bananas and grapes help stave that off, right? Anyway. The apartment is nice, if a bit slanty, and I've managed to procure a good internet connection. I got the entire 1.8gig Bioshock demo in under and hour. It was awesome.
I have, perhaps regrettably, been bitten by the WoW bug again and have gone back to playing. It's fun; Bronn the orc warrior is a satisfying character. Also, Reckless Ascension, our guild, is full of awesome people. We also do PVP raids on the Alliance capitals sometimes, and I took it upon myself to be an incredibly nerdy photojournalist at some of these raids.
The first was a spontaneous raid on Stormwind in response to a couple Alliance guys trying to bust into Orgrimmar: To Stormwind!
The second was a world tour on RA's first anniversary. We killed most of the Alliance towns in the world, a couple of them twice, and ended up actually killing both of the leaders in Darnassus. Sweet zombie jesus, I'm a nerd!
So a few night ago my old roommates (sans Cary, who is sadly in NY) and John and Hillary all came over and we watched the new TMNT movie. It was ok; they did a good job of developing the Leonardo/Raphael conflict, but did so at the expense of, well, anything interesting involving Michaelangelo or Donatello. The CG was cool, and it was fun enough, but it wasn't great.

I had no idea how deeply this show was ingrained into my memory. I still knew all the voices subconsciously, somewhere, to the point that I felt like I'd heard each of them in other shows since then. For a couple of the voice actors that's almost certainly the case (I think one's in SwatKats, actually), but the deja-vu was uncanny. So we watched a couple episodes of that, got all nostalgic, drank some spiced mead (thank you, Brandon!) and then headed to bed. It was a grand night.
NEXT TIME, PROBABLY: That beer-tasting I went to about two months ago and meant to blog about!