Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Mind sex!

Yup. I haven't heard that term used in a couple years, but I just had a grand conversation with Andy spanning many a topic (religion and gaming foremost) and my brain felt thoroughly exercised, so I just wanted to get the term back into the general lingo, since Andy's the one who spawned it and all. Anyway, good conversation Andy!

In gaming news, played Dawn of War 40K yesterday with Andy and Hans, and in spite of us being repeatedly reamed by the highly aggressive computers, it was still a blast! Next time, fewer comps or more of us. Also: Hans, how many nights a week can you have scheduled instance runs? People say WoW is bad for relationships, but it certainly requires you to be monogame-ous.

I've been sick in some fashion or another for the last 3 weeks or so and I'm still in the thick of it; I really hope I don't have strep throat or something like that. In any case, the overarching theme of illness has made the last couple weeks pretty uneventful: one weekend of partying when I felt miraculously better for two days, a quizbowl tournament of shenanigans, and a couple more sessions of Exalted with the people up here at Carleton. It's a shame a few of them don't have internships in DG this summer or something absurd like that, they'd be a good addition to our group, I think.

I might upload some of my more nerd-oriented essays from the past to this blog, such as last term's analysis of Freudian and Jungian psychology and religious theory in Battlestar Galactica. Hmm.

And lastly, because I am a Man and am Secure in this Fact, I bring you Cute Overload, in the fine spirit of Stuffonmycat.com


cobaltgrc said...

Haha, I was thinking of the term 'mind sex' when we got done with that conversation. I think the reason why it was good was because it's important to talk about what we believe in. I dunno if we as a society do that enough.

Oh and I looked at that Cute Overload website. I had to turn back because I was overloaded by cuteness. wow.

JavaBomberman said...

christ on a cracker, that really is fkn cute.

Anonymous said...

/eats christ cracker.

Mmmmm.... holy wafer.

I have been super-saturated with cuteness. I think it is spilling out of my nether regions and leaking onto the floor. Dont slip in my cute juice. You might die in a cute way, and then have a website made about YOU.