So basically the reason for lack of recent posting is that, upon returning home for the holidays, there was pretty much nothing interesting to write about (with the exception of the below movie reviews)! Battlestar took a week's hiatus for Thanksgiving, our own Thanksgiving took a few days' hiatus due to illness, and since then my time has been consumed (quite pleasantly, I might add) by sleeping, eating, the Daily Show and Colbert Report, gaming, comps research, and hanging out with Poke, Hans, and the occasional Stella. So basically, all my time has been amply filled with amusing distractions, but none of it is particularly journal-worthy.
One thing that might merit mention is some new music...Hillary's infusion into my collection has been a superb addition, adding such instrumental oddities as Mogwai, Explosions in the Sky, Four Tet, and string versions of the Beatles and Coldplay songs. It's amazing how much Coldplay can be improved by focusing on the melody.
My most recent musical find is Myndflame. Sharp-eyed readers may note that yes, that is in fact one of the people involved in the Illegal Danish series. Yes. And did you notice how the music in those was good? Well, the Admiral played some of his other stuff over Teamspeak recently, and it's surprisingly good techno. So, for early Christmas, I picked up two of his albums, and I am not disappointed!
Battlestar has been catching some flak lately, from mid-season doldrums to accusations that the show is slowing down or losing quality. First, I think 90% of these accusations are unfounded (see an example of such foolishness, as discussed on Andy's blog). Secondly, and much more happily, fans of the show should listen to the Roundtable Podcast released last week. As a warning, it's 3 hours long, but that really only adds to it because you get to hear them becoming progressively more drunk on wine as the night goes on. It's an interesting look into the show, the actors behind it, and what they want out of the show. And Ronald D. Moore and other address precisely some of the issues others are worried about, especially with the show dragging on for too long. And if you've seen Firefly, listen for a familiar voice on the podcast.
hi pete.
You guys are quite interesting, it's just that "tank theory lol!" doesn't make a very good blog entry. Though we did have that sweet morality discussion for like 2 hours. w00t!
oh yeah, the tank teory thing... i never posted that on the SASU boards... meh, oh well.
Also, Coldplay can't be improved... Some things are just too bad to get any better.
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