Saturday, December 16, 2006

Game designers: retarded, or subversive?

Seriously, who the hell names their alien antagonist the Kha'ak?


Hillary said...

They just keep saying it!

Seriously though, I need to name my first born child Kha'ak.I love the Kha'ak.

"Swarms of Kha'ak...ready to engage."

JavaBomberman said...

you're all clear, kid. now let's blow this kha'ak and go home.

but seriously... this is just microsoft's freelancer. with a pantsload more kha'ak.

not that microsoft can't handle the kha'ak. I mean, who knows, they might have had their hands on the kha'ak's design. microsoft seems to get around a lot when it comes to video games, who's to say they didn't share the kha'ak with another designer.


Hillary said...

oooooh! I get it! You see, "Kha'ak" sounds like "Cock" !!!!

and "Cock" means "Penis."

Do you get it?

Peter said...

Do you get it Hans? I'm not sure you do.

JavaBomberman said...

in soviet russia, kha'ak blows you.

Peter said...

Wow, too bad for those Soviet Russians. Suckers!

Hillary said...

hmm...I think I need to visit Soviet Russia. I haven't been blown in know...on my secret penis.

NWS said...

This "Hillary" is perfect for Peter. It's so perfect that I didn't think they could show that on cable...


JavaBomberman said...


Peter said...

Are you implying that Hillary is, in fact, a giant flying space robot?

Hillary said...

OH NOES! My secret is out!
Now I have to self-destruct...
aww man...

cobaltgrc said...


NWS said...



Poke said...

It's like pete wants to learn, but just can't quite do it. you keep on trying pete, and we'll keep on laughing.

Anonymous said...

Giant flying space robot cock...

Mmmmmm Toasty...

NWS said...

"Hey Todd, I bet those girls in Iowa sure are hot, huh?"-The Arch-Bishop

Anonymous said...


They are just as hot as they weren't before. Tell that to the Bishop.

Todd-Still a labeled commodity for the straight world.