Monday, July 16, 2007

Too much time on their hands

Daft Hands:

This song rules, and whoever's doing the hands thing is pretty damn amazing.

Some day, maybe I'll make a substantive post. Oh, and C&C 3 rules.


Hillary said...


That must have been really hard to plan and choreograph.

I am so jealous of the amazing talents of others...

JavaBomberman said...


Anonymous said...

Discovery was a great album. The music videos for the first 4 songs were continuous and story based too and rokked. And... rawr. Go Daft Punk, publish a new album.

Anonymous said...

oh, and the hands thing was awesome but repetative. Not as hard as it looks, Peter could do it, he's awesome at DDR™ and GuitarHero™.....

I think...

Anonymous said...

I filmed that same thing on a different part of my body to the song "Pump It".

Youtube wouldn't post it for some reason.

Peter said...

YouTube is a prude sometimes. Keep trying, Todd!

And yeah, Daft Punk seriously needs another album...though wasn't Human After All fairly recent?

And I'm decent at Guitar Hero and have never done DDR.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I really need to keep up on music before I open my mouth. Their last album (Human After All) was released in 2003 and "Interstella 5555: The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem" was a full length film, not just the first 4 tracks for discovery.

Sorry... I'm a prat.

Anonymous said...

Peter, hitherto and submit a periodical. Tis bleak the dawn whilst Sir Peter dost not converse posthaste betwixt the numerous entities referred here to as 'blogs.'

Presently, I must retire, but shall you fancy some bright morning a 'reply,' I shan't hardly put forth comeuppance to tarry thee.

Fare thee well, for now, good sir.