Thursday, December 20, 2007

Media tomfoolery continues

You'd think they'd get bored with blaming 10-year-old-games on violent deaths caused by drunken dumbfucks. The affadavit apparently doesn't even state that they were imitating Mortal Kombat, just playing it at the time:

"There is no clarification whether "Mortal Combat" is the misspelt videogame title or a term for rough play. The affidavit describes the alleged wrestling moves in detail, but does not link them specifically to the fighting game."

And yet what did I see all over the news? Nothing but "Mortal Kombat Killing". I'd think I'd die of shock if the media ever looked at a case tangentially involving a video game in the basement and reported on it objectively.


Anonymous said...

They should really start blaming accidents on the automobile industry. Cars are obviously the cause of vehicular deaths.

Hillary said...

This is relevant to my compses.

Peter said...

D'oh! I should have remembered that. Let me know if you need me to dig up more articles about it!