Warning Forever: Neat little arcade-style game that was the stylistic inspiration for Battleships Forever. I got bored after a half dozen levels, but then I do with pretty much all arcade games. Warning Forever's neatest feature is the fact that each level is basically a progressively harder boss fight, with the catch that each level, the boss adapts to the way you beat the previous boss. Also, you have the option to change your ship's arc of fire, which is a very nice feature.
Really Rather Good Battles in Space: They're really rather not. Granted I only played the first three missions, but that's half the game and then I stopped out of a combination of boredom and frustration. The ship designs are kind of cool (they're weirdly organic), but as far as I can tell there are all of two kinds, and both of them would suck absolute ass in any approximation of a real space battle. There's the carrier, which has a few squads of fighters and bombers, and then there's the frigate, whose only purpose seems to be to fire ineffectually at the strike craft before being blown to pieces. Seriously. If you like carrier battles, and I mean if you have a serious fetish for them, you might get farther than me, but I kind of doubt it.
Endless Zombie Rampage: Not quite as solid a zombie slaughterfest as Boxhead, but good for a change of pace.
Flash Portal: This came to me highly recommended, but I just don't like it that much. The control scheme seems far more fickle than that of Portal itself, and when a flash game is harder to handle than a full-blown Valve-spawned FPS, something is wrong. Still, it's a good puzzle game and you guys would probably like it, especially if you don't have Portal.

Well, that's it for now...I'll save the rest for my next bloated post. Oh, there is one thing of note: I've been asked to stay on here at the library for another year. This requires some good old-fashioned pondering.
Heh, RRGBIS was one of the reasons I made Battleships Forever.
Oh, hi there :)
Heh! Well, then it did some good. Howdy, Sean!
Uh oh, Pete = ravager of the stars.
They've been effectively ravaged; I just beat Homeworld: Cataclysm. Finally, after starting and stopping midway through four times.
Flash Portal is cool, but probably only because I've never played the real Portal.
What is the infinity loop though? I can't get past that level. I think it's level 10.
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