Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Control the games WITH YOUR MIND!

Emotiv, a neurotech firm, just came out with a headset that can read about 30 basic emotions and also contains a motion sensor, all for about $300. While that's not exactly cheap, just think a few years down the line when they develop games to actually integrate all these features. Screw /smiling at someone. You just think it, and it happens.

It might be an awful lot of effort to go towards a gaming controller (which they're actually marketing it as, or at least planning to), but it seems like they've just finally repackaged the medical tech into something for entertainment. Plus, you don't have to shave your head or gel your scalp for this one to work.


Hillary said...

Hey, can we integrate these headsets into real life too? I don't want to have to put forth the effort to show my emotions to people. Screw that.

I'm thinking emotions right now, hope they get to you. :)

Anonymous said...

This is definitely one of those things that will be discovered to have caused brain cancer.