In spite of homework's best efforts to the contrary, my last week has contained a healthy amount of gaming. I've restarted an Exalted campaign I started here sometime last year...four of my friends, mostly new to the whole RPG thing an all new to the Exalted world, are hitting their stride, and it's fun to see how they interact with the world compared to how the usual group does. Very different, certainly. I kinda wish a few of them were going to be around DG for the summer, they'd make great additions to the group, I think, and none of them are hippies! Huzzah!
I learned how to play Go earlier today, and it's interesting. Very simple rules, though it does seem like one of those "lifetime to master" things. Fun, and I love watching the patterns unfold on the board...something very elegant about it.
Finally, I got around to playing the Gal Civ 2 demo which Andy directed me to, and now I've played through it twice. I like it a lot more the second time through, though I'm going to have to try more to figure out what I think about the combat system; at present I'm not too big of a fan. The game itself is fun, if a bit slow (at the beginning anyay, I imagine that getting more than 3 years into a game and having a larger galaxy would be a lot more interesting but hey, them's the breaks of a demo). So, we'll see on that one. The ship editor is AMAZING though, and tons of fun to monkey around with.
Finally, I come to what I see as the cream of the week's gaming crop - the Rise of Legends demo. I cannot wait until this game comes out (unfortunately in May or something, bah) because it's the first RTS to appeal to me in a while. Basically, fantasy RTS with a really creative world and take on things; Andy, I can see this appealing to you especially just for the craziness and beauty of the world they've made. Check it out.
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