Apparently the Mitzvah tanks are not particularly rare in big cities, which raises the question - why did the Hebrew Hammer not drive one? And if you're asking who the Hebrew Hammer is, watch the movie. It's awesome, even if it was a Comedy Central original movie.
I think that my battle with the communists is over (for now...) as we've finished most of the revisions we decided to allow and sent off a final draft of the "problem" articles to see what's what. But wherever truth is being twisted, where innocent texts are under assault by the bestial paws of Censorship, I will be there, For Great Justice!
The latest "episode" of my werewolf story is below, back after a ridiculously long hiatus. I had no idea I'd gone quite that long without posting a new chunk of it; as much as I love it, I'm a hideous slacker when it comes to writing. So, if you're bored and want to refresh your memories, Garou, Prelude and Garou, Part I are there for your mnemonic pleasure.
And as if I haven't already gone over my quota for hyperlinks, here's a little tidbit of Zombiology.
oh my yhwh
Hehe good stuff my man, good stuff. Are you sad you couldn't have any mitzvah services preformed in the tank? I remember back when seeing the "Jews for Jesus" meeting at the Taste of Chicago. Good Stuff.
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