So, I'm walking through Wrigleyville, stopping at various used bookstores (the mustiness was palpable, it was great) and a couple of hardcore stores (it's strange when you walk into a storefront guarded by life-size models of Aliens and Predators wearing spiked metal collars and stuff) which somehow also contain hippie shoppes. Doy de doy, walking down the street and what do I see? A very Orthodox Jew driving down the street in a huge RV labeled as a "Mitzvah Tank". Its other text offered help with all sorts of Jewish services...and who wouldn't want a tank at their Bris? I mean really. Sadly, I lacked a camera and could not get a picture, but the Inter-Net came to the rescue, and so here is a close approximation of what I saw. Except that it was driving down the street towards Wrigley Field past shops with fat, male mannequins in dresses in the windows, so it was rather more humerous at the time.
Apparently the Mitzvah tanks are not particularly rare in big cities, which raises the question - why did the Hebrew Hammer not drive one? And if you're asking who the Hebrew Hammer is, watch the movie. It's awesome, even if it was a Comedy Central original movie.
I think that my battle with the communists is over (for now...) as we've finished most of the revisions we decided to allow and sent off a final draft of the "problem" articles to see what's what. But wherever truth is being twisted, where innocent texts are under assault by the bestial paws of Censorship, I will be there, For Great Justice!
The latest "episode" of my werewolf story is below, back after a ridiculously long hiatus. I had no idea I'd gone quite that long without posting a new chunk of it; as much as I love it, I'm a hideous slacker when it comes to writing. So, if you're bored and want to refresh your memories, Garou, Prelude and Garou, Part I are there for your mnemonic pleasure.
And as if I haven't already gone over my quota for hyperlinks, here's a little tidbit of Zombiology.
oh my yhwh
Hehe good stuff my man, good stuff. Are you sad you couldn't have any mitzvah services preformed in the tank? I remember back when seeing the "Jews for Jesus" meeting at the Taste of Chicago. Good Stuff.
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