So, work continues to roll over much of my time, though sadly I'm no longer working on a cool project, I've been reduced to counting articles for the next inventory. Slightly demeaning, but I suppose that if I don't do it, some real editor will have to, so at least I'm being productive. When I can focus on it, that is...heh. At least work hasn't raised my ire this summer like it did last year...a little bit after this time last summer, my friends who were working there with me had already gone back to school and I was left basically alone to do the same mind-numbing task I'd been doing all summer.
This summer is already vastly ahead of that on a number of levels - most of my projects have been interesting, and fighting Communism is good exercise.
Saw A Scanner Darkly a few days ago, and the trailers don't do it justice. The trailers are about as confusing as the movie itself is, however, but in the end it DOES make sense; you just have to think about it a little *gasp!* Yes folks, this is what science fiction should be - it asks questions about the human condition and about social issues through the filter of fictional science, rather than relying simply on ZOMGLAZERSPEWPEWPEW!!!!!!111eleven! This is what I feel makes Battlestar so good; yes, there are spaceships and explosions and drama, but you can have profound philosophical, psychological, and moral discussions out of it. A Scanner Darkly deals, very subsersively, with the drug culture and, when you look closely at what Philip K. Dick is saying, the pharmaceuticals industry. If you get a chance to see it, do so, it's quite thought provoking, actually pretty damn funny, and is beautifully stylized. I shudder to think how long it took to take a live-action film and basically replace everything with cell-shaded quasi-CGI.
neet. I'll have to see it then. the pox on poke and his kin.
science dude, science.
I'm sorry, I read the post along time ago and have forgotten what it's about. I actually just wanted to post on your blog, so if my comment doesn't pertain to your above post then.. to fucking bad?
Peter! You are a sexy robot.
Haha, that's cool man. It's just good to hear from ya. I should be posting again soon, I just go through phases when not a whole lot seems blogworthy or blog-appropriate.
Also, thank you! My Sexy 2.5 upgrades have not gone unnoticed!
as an afterthought... A Scanner Darkly fkn sucked balls. I retract the pox on poke's poor family and reapply it to your mom pete.
I dunno man, I enjoyed it a lot. Also, a retributive pox on your name!
so, fucking sucks or should I wait for it to come out on video?
I know 4 people who've seen it, including myself, and we're split 50/50 between fkn sucks and is good. So, I dunno?
well, I think that means I'll wait for video.. netflix rules!
are you looking at your blog at work, peter? just like how I am?
Yup :-)
haha well sweet. What are you working on? It's a pretty slow day over here, no map-drafting work, which is a bummer. So I find myself glancing at people's blogs and a lot.
Do you use google talk at work?
I presently have probably the most boring job here; I'm making an inventory of the number of articles, pictures, tables, maps, etc. in every volume of the Encyclopaedia. They lost their data on these numbers in a crash a while back and so here I am, counting shit. I'm not bitter at all :P
What's Google talk?
Yup, boring jobs. At least they pay.
Google talk is an instant message program. It's also intergrated in gmail. You'll need to have a gmail account to use it, so if you don't have one then getting one would be a hassle.
We use the gtalk IM client here at work and I was wondering if you did too so I could maybe put you on my list. But if not, no worries.
Heck, I should probably get a gmail account one of these days anyway; my school account runs out after I graduate and I should have something in place before then. Is it a pain to get a gmail account? And what's their service like? I heard something strange like that they had the rights to everything anyone sent through gmail, and could, in theory, do whatever they wanted with it.
The service is great, I've got two gmail accounts. Here's an FAQ about gmail. They do reserve the right to keep your e-mails on record even if you delete them, but they have a good record of respecting your right to privacy...
That being said I only use my gmail accounts very lightly (I use e-mail very lightly, come to think of it) and my main gmail account is actually used as a depot for comments that get posted to my blogs so I never miss anything you guys say. :)
Having a gmail account is kind of a pain to get in my opinion, a while back you had to know someone who had an account to get one. Now you have to give google your cell # and then you can get an account. All my friends who are using google have never had any problems with this but you've got to wonder what google is using all those numbers for....
If I were you and I needed a e-mail account and I didn't have/want to give my cell # to google, I'd ask hebert if he could set me up with one. He's still got that site for e-mails. It's treated me well.
Hmm, yeah I'd rather not give Google my cell phone #, especially since it's not really mine (shared by the family). It still seems to say that, say, you could invite me to get an account and that that may not need a cell number. Do you know how to do that/would it be a big deal?
I'd use my dragondog account as my main, but that poor thing is so heavily spammed.
Hey, It looks like I can invite you, I've got 15 left, it says I just need your e-mail address. I don't have my contact list here at work so if you'd like, send me at e-mail to akayacantier3[at] and I'll send you an invite.
yeah, my e-mail gets slammed with spam, too.. but I've got Thunderbird e-mail client (put out by the folks who do Firefox) and it seems to do a good job of filtering out the spam.. it still makes me unhappy, though.
Alright, I sent an invite to your school e-mail. Let me know if it works. Send me what address you use as you gmail account if it does.
Looks like we'll have to try gtalk out tomorrow cause I'm going home! 8 hrs of work done for the day, talk to you later.
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