Until last week, I hadn't flown since...I think winter of two years ago. I'd forgotten how much I liked it. It's probably very cliched to say such things, but there is a certain je ne sais quoi to seeing everything melt away into vaguely defined networks of roads and the motley of farm fields. You also get to be reminded of how ugly cities are, but by that same token I got to leave the urbanized parts of Michigan we were flying over and pass into the comparative verdant western New York.
Then there was the most tragic news I've heard in a while (also aquatic-based, as it happened while filming underwater) - much worse than those poor astronomers in the underworld - Steve Irwin had died. I don't know how many episodes of his show I'd watched, at Grandma's house and my own, and realizing that he had more balls than all of upper-class Victorian England and a McDonalds play pit combined. I have to respect the ability to truly revel in the most diverse and dangerous beasties nature has to offer. R.I.P. Steve Irwin, Crocodile Hunter.
That's frickin sweet.
What kind of loot did you salvage from the lake cabin?
If there was any peanut butter, I'd like some.
Chunky, if you have it.
Mmm...crunchy peanuts...
amen to that. I'm gonna miss that good old Crocodile hunter. :(
We salvaged four sheep, three oxen, several pounds of silver, and four monks for ransom. Peanuts were not available, sadly.
What a strange cabin.
I'm incomparable, bitches!
April, you rule. Enjoy the loot.
wo0t, lo0t.
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