1) Devoured some delicious Indian food along with some Red Stripe beer, provided by the thoughtful roommate Cary. It's surprisingly not bad for having such a weird-looking bottle. Boo vague essay prompts. Hooray beer!
2) Stole some awesome links from Stella, including the dinosaur link below and the largest amount of Victorian attire you will ever see on a bird of prey.
3) Wiped the Orks clean from the face of the campaign planet. Orkses are, contrary to popular belief, frequently defeated in battle. Especially when you attack them with 1.4 hojillion kroot, several krootox, and pit your mega-unit against theirs. OMG WTF IT'S A DINOSAUR!

5) Okay, time for essay. **shakes fist at the most vague essay question prompt I've ever seen**
Red Stripe, despite being advertised in a most humorous manner, is bland and tasteless.
Hooray good beer.
Speaking of which no Bells in IL for a year might crush my soul. Fkn distributor and his fighting with the brewery.
It's not entirely tasteless - I'd say it's at least at the high end of cheap beers. Certainly leagues above Bud & other such "beers".
What's this "Bells"?
Hmm...well, perusing their website, I have definitely never seen any of their brews, which makes me sad. And I didn't buy the Red Stripe, I just drank it.
OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG. I'm going to completely agree with Poke 100 and fucking one million and two %%%%%%%. Bell's is fucking amazing beer and Red Stripe, despite the advertising, is fucking tasteless urine. I can't profess my love for Bells enough, it's a top beer indeed. It's usually the beer I pick up when I want to have a great evening, I'll be getting some this Friday, for sure.
Looks for it Peter, see if you can snag an Oberon (though it's season is over) or a Two Hearted Ale, they are pleasant... though if you want to taste something better then Guinness you could try their stout. This is beer you should quest for.
Poke, you are a good man, with a wide and cultured understanding. Bravo.
Dude are you seriously only in Northfield, MN??? That's like an hour away form here, if I'm not mistaken.! If you can't find Bells down there maybe I'll bring you some on my way to Rochester one of these days... are you 21 yet? I don't condone under-age drinking ;)
First, you stole almost all of my links on Facebook, the ultimate noob program. Second, I agree with Poke and Andy, Red Stripe tastes like bar piss. It's a proven fact that black people can't make beer. They can drink expensive champaign and weird fruity drinks while they perform their ritual of "getting crunk", but their beer making skills are on par with their lackluster swimming abilities.
Hoorah for racism!
Yes! Northfield! Get your ass down here some time. Preferably with beer :D And yeah, I'm 21. Though one beer I've never bought is Red Stripe, and that's been reaffirmed by my experience. But my roommate bought it, it's better than Bud, and it's the only beer in the room, hence my calling it not shitty. It's also definitely not at all good, so basically I've had worse but that's not saying much. Trust me, I'm a beer snob too even though I have not yet had the Bells. I'll see if the store has any.
Nick's right except that plagiarism is the sincerest form of flattery...or something. Whatever, you got credit for them, and those links are hilarious.
pete's no beer snob... he's never spen $65 on 4 bottles of beer.
Andy is a gentleman and a scholar.
So, I picked up a 6 pack of Bells today and now I'm drinking a Two Hearted Ale. Delicious.
Hebert doesn't like beer, but this is a beer he should try and then maybe he will love beer.
i still hold that I can find at least one beer for everyone on the planet. Barring some genetic condition that causes alcohol to taste like the devil's taint, there is a beer for everyone.
amen. Hooray beer!
Sweet! Quest complete. I just got some Oberon and Two Hearted, and will be trying the Oberon as this week's Battlestar Beer.
good job. Tell us what you think of it. Write a review and post it on your blog, don't be afraid to tell us if you think it's terrible. We will roast you but you need to know that you can freely speak your mind.
and be horribly belittled and degraded for it. Hoooray torment!
You go on tormenting; I just schooled you for noobery on Andy's blog. Heyooo!
doesn't count. samus should have a fkn suit on.
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