Thursday, November 02, 2006

Internets overload

My research proposal got accepted! That means I have an excuse to do nothing for the rest of the night! Huzzah! So, in the spirit of too-many-video-clips lately...

He has a date with a jump rope, Cosby Bebop, and a strange crossover.



JavaBomberman said...

what goes down stairs alone or in pairs

Poke said...

cosby bebop is awesome.

And now Kakashi and I are off to stop the power of emo

cobaltgrc said...

Jump rope just reminded me that I need to go blow your minds. *goes to find the clip*

cobaltgrc said...

Come blow your mind.

Anonymous said...

Capital lol.

Peter said...

Oh, fat Lee. When will you be normal again.

Also, I don't want anyone in the top 7 to die! Bad bad bad! But since it's BSG, good.

cobaltgrc said...

So, you watched the video?

Did it not blow your mind that the actor who plays Lee is a foppish sounding English man? counter to the level headed commander of a now destroyed Pegasus?

hah, it threw me off cause I thought the actor was American. Damn good actors!

Peter said...

Oh! I've known that forever, I watched a lot of the videoblogs early on and was yeah, really shocked that he's British. He has no accent! At all! It's damn impressive.

cobaltgrc said...

Yeah, it just proves that BSG is full of amazing actors. The guy who plays Lee has a lot of talent.