So, tried an Oberon Ale last night. It was quite good! Had excellent flavor, and went down pretty smoothly though at the same time had a little sharpness to it (not too much, though). It had the same kind of aftertaste as Old Rasputin Imperial Russian Stout, which I'm not a huge fan. With the Rasputin, though, it mostly went away after I actually poured the beer into a glass before drinking it; glasses, however, are sadly lacking in this room, so I'll have to try that later. EDIT AFTER SECOND BOTTLE: on a scale of seven, Oberon gets a 6.4! Thanks for the suggestion, guys. Glad I got this before it ran out of season.
Next up is the Two Hearted, I'll probably try that later tonight.
Let's see...not a huge amount of other stuff to report. Last night I went to the other pub in town, Froggy Bottoms. The theme is frog butts. It's bizarre place, but I think the drinks were cheaper than at the Contented Cow, and the atmosphere is still nice. We'll see if we go back there again.
And Battlestar! A very interesting episode, we had. So as I wrap up this post, here are three things we learned about the Cylons:
1) They can get infected with diseases. This has fun implications, let's see where they go with it next week.
2) There may actually be a logical reason why we haven't seen the other five models of Cylon. Ominous!
3) There is a new euphemism for having an orgasm: "jumping the base star". Man, that hybrid looked like she was having a good time.
You gave Oberon a 77%?!
Hmm....when you do MATH, that does seem pretty low. Let me drink another and see what I think...
Yeah, I was wrong. Score has been updated after the second, delicious bottle.
91%, much better! Oh, and be careful with the Two Hearted Ale, I think it has more of a bite. I'd try some to make sure but I think I'm going to pop open a Bells Third Coast Beer... it has a really cool map on it of the northern coast of Michigan. :)
This beer makes me proud to have grown up around the Great Lakes. HOMES FOR EVER!!!!
There are some stragglers... get'em up quick!
Yeah, they had three or four six-packs left. I will probably have to go see if I can nab any more of them.
And yes, Two Hearted has much more bite. Not bad, though. I'd say something like a 5.7, depending on my mood.
I'm really enjoying their Third Coast Beer, it's a lot lighter and really hits the spot. Plus the map label is sweeeet!
there's a handle of rum next to my desk that I've been nipping off of... no beer around though... *sigh*
I'll have to look for the Third Coast.
Yeah, I had some rum and root beer last night, that hit the spot. Especially while playing Marathon.
yes, beer.
anyways, BSG owned. The Adama scene with Tigh and Starbuck was fkn amazing, and I was surprised by the reaction we got from Tigh. I think it worked splendidly, but I was expecting more of the standard TV drama reaction, i.e. "you're right, blah blah, etc."
I love when shows deviate from the norm.
I loved that scene too!... but I have to say.. I fucking hate Tigh, he's such a cry baby.. Boo Hoo.. "I killed my wife, that I loved, and I can't handle it so I'm going to drink myself more crazy" Boo Fucking Hoo.
Though in all seriousness, I do wonder where he's character development will head. Is he going to be "born-again" and find God? Or commit suicide... or die of alcohol poisoning?
Oh, and the cylon "projecting" was fucking cool! Imagining that she was actually in a forest is a neet idea for robots.
I too loved the projecting...I mean, damn, where was this episode when I was writing my Battlestar paper for Psychology of Religion?
I dunno...I find it hard to hate Tigh; he's been through an ungodly amount of punishment. Four months in solitary would be enough to push me over the deep end, probably, and he's had waaay more than that to contend with. I think the characterization is right, he's a tired old man and I don't know where he's going to go next. I half expected him to shoot himself in the head when he was with Adama, but yeah. Dunno if he's going to drink himself to death, or what, but I really hope the character stays around. He's been getting more and more interesting as the show goes on, and Michael Hogan's one hell of an actor.
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