Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Carleton's Biggest Nerd

So, this term my college has been running a radio contest called "Carleton's Biggest Nerd." It's been a lot of fun, and I even got to do a battle rap! If you're reading my blog, then odds are you guys know how funny of a concept this is. The battle rap is towards the end of this podcast.

But, more importantly, we're down to the final round of the contest, and I'm one of the finalists! So, if any of you guys are bored/want to support me in a nerdly venture/wants to humor me, please go to this site and vote for me (Peter Berry/Optimist Rhyme)! You can vote once per hour, per computer. Voting ends this Friday the 1st at 10pm. Whoever's in the lead then wins!

Also, most of the episodes of Carleton's Biggest Nerd are pretty funny, and they should be archived on the KRLX site. Let me know if you want individual links to the nerdiness.

At the moment I'm engaged in a gritty back-and-forth battle with Jason Pipkin, who, though a ffine and upstanding guy, didn't know the name of Lord Zedd. That's about the worst I can say about him. So, spread the word to forums, to friends, to anyone you can annoy/amuse with this!

For encouragement, here's me as a Magic card:

/end publicity begging


Jason said...

Hey, I did know the name of the pink ranger (though I was mixed up on zedd).

good luck.

Hillary said...

seriously? Kimberly Hart! Amy Jo Johnson! Did he WATCH power rangers? Cuz if he did, he should have thought she was hot, because he was a guy. I, personally, thought Billy was hot, because he was, in fact, a NERD.

Peter said...

You too, Jason! Power Ranger knowledge aside.

Jason said...

I actually knew Amy Jo Johnson (and even mentioned her latest album on the show), but did not correct adam when he said kelly even though it sounded weird, so that was my mistake.

also, power rangers is not even close to the center of my nerd platform... I just chose the show because it was easy to insert myself into it in a parody-form.

also, how does this site know what my name is? it's just like "you are currently posting as Jason" when I don't recall ever making an account here. creepy.

Peter said...

Your knowledge that she had an album (or even a "music" career) is pretty awesome, so kudos for that! I'll grant you that, you have a lot of nerd action going on besides Power Rangers.

Also yeah, how the heck did it know your name? I assumed it was b/c you had a site, but then I clicked on your name an nothing came up. The intertubes are frighteningly intelligent, sometimes.

Peter said...

Also if you check here first, I'm definitely interested in brokering a unilateral anti lab-spamming treaty. It'll be like SALT, only less SALTy.

Anonymous said...

I thought the green ranger was hot.

As for Pete's card, I'd tap that.

Peter said...

Haha Todd, that made my day.

cobaltgrc said...

Peter, what happened? You used to be such a jock. You've changed.

/listens to the podcast

Anonymous said...

I just feel bad for the yellow ranger getting mixed up in all that curse of the crow business. Very sad indeed.

/dies in mysterious motorcycle accident

Anonymous said...

Wow, mad props on Phillip Glass comment Peter. Have you seen "Philip Glass buys a loaf of bread"? It's a great short play/skit kind of deal that your theater people might know. And send me your Email address,

Anonymous said...

That poor yellow ranger got mixed up in everything bad. That's what you get for being the Asian one in the group.

Even though they were all Asian underneath...

JavaBomberman said...

mmmm... asian underneath...