Sunday, May 27, 2007

Flight of the Conchords

So, these are all shamelessly lifted from Hillary's blog, but they're pretty amazing, so I'm going to put it up here as well. First, a song aimed at the human-killing robot demographic:

And, though it's not as ridiculous as my nerdcore rap (towards the end of this podcast), here is a gangsta folk song by the same guys:

I have to say that Hiphopopotamus and Rhymenoceros are pretty much the best names ever, arguable better than Optimus Rhyme.

I've been more and more intrigued by the nerdcore genre ever since my recent brush with rapping. I found some free tracks over at Rhymetorrents, and while some aren't that good, some are pretty awesome, like "RPG (Rhymes of Phatness and Greatness)" and "Fuck the MPAA". There's a fair amount of mediocre stuff to weed through, but there's some fun stuff in the genre.

Also, the finals for Carleton's Biggest Nerd are tomorrow, I'll post info and links for that then!


Hillary said...

BINARY SOLO! 000001000010000001000001!

cobaltgrc said...

These guys rulock,