Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Nerd TV

Nerds do seem to be becoming more and more mainstream. I'll just assume that my Carleton's Biggest Nerd win was the herald of a bright and new era of widespread nerdlery and move on.

Watched the first episode of the new Heroes season, and before that I was pleasantly surprised by Chuck, which is conveniently aired right before it. The premise is nothing super-original, but the execution of the nerd-becomes-pivotal-government-operative plot is actually pretty darn good. The supporting cast is also quite funny, and, more importantly, has Adam Baldwin. That's right. The main character is a nerd with a spy sort-of-girlfriend played by a Russian supermodel, and gets into a car chase with Jayne from Firefly. What more could you ask for?

The Heroes season opener was good - not terrifically exciting, but good and definitely a solid setup to some new stuff. Aside from some obvious Nissan product placement, I'm definitely looking forward to more superpowered actions. There are at least two new characters, Mexican it would seem. I have my theories about them, but I'll keep those to myself until everyone's seen it.

The space game I mentioned before progresses; I think the different cultures/empires and ships are the next step.

Apparently both Adam Baldwin and Nathan Fillion are in Halo 3? Wackiness. Still, nothing trumps Command and Conquer 3's cast.


JavaBomberman said...

wtf, I missed the season premiere of fkn heroes? damnit. I saw Bionic woman though. Starbuck and Chief Tyrol were in it.

Anonymous said...

Pete fteverything./2/2/ffff