Wednesday, October 03, 2007

My most recent finds

Someday, perhaps, I'll have more of my original material to post here (aside from my ramblings and Pirate Raid reviews, that is), but until then it's a good a venue as any for some of my recent Worthy Internet Specimens.

First is, a blog much like mine only funnier, filled with more content, and slightly cluttered with ads by Google. Also, it's written by an irate British man, which I only wish I could claim to be. From what I can tell his reviews are pretty dead-on: I haven't played all the games he's reviewed, though I still need to get to that Bioshock demo I have. They're all hilarious, though, and the one about Peggle at least is pretty much dead-on. Hillary and I played that for about three hours without really realizing it, and that was the DEMO. "Insincerely cute" is also the perfect descriptor for that game - it tries to hard to be plush and doe-eyed that it rounds the bend into boring plasticity.

My other find, brought to be me thanks to Hannah, is Brandon Bird. He's the creator of the famed Law and Order Coloring Book and that ever so amazing painting of Christopher Walken building Optimus Prime. All the nerd culture juxtaposed with classical allusions are only made better by the fact that he's actually pretty damn, good, and able to mimic several different classical and foreign styles. Plus, he has a drawing of Harrison Ford playing a Black Lotus. Win.

As we near the ends of Buffy and Angel, Hillary and I are running into more and more spoilers - extremely annoying spoilers. I also just read an article (while finding the above picture of Spike) that claims that he ruins Season 7 and is symptomatic of the bastardization of the show's entire unpopular-kids-as-heroes motif. I hope it's wrong. I also hope that most of the spoilers I read are wrong, but then they wouldn't be spoilers, would they.

And I don't normally talk about personal stuff on here but I think I will mention that Hillary and my one-year anniversary is coming up in a few days, because I'm just so damned happy about it! So there, take that my self-imposed blog-content limitations! Eat a happy anniversary, to us!


Hillary said...

Oh my god Peter...what if we are STILL playing Peggle and don't even realize it???

Eat a happy anniversary to us indeed. And TACOOOS!!!

JavaBomberman said...

I hate you, Pete.

Peter said...

What happened? I didn't even make any puns! And you're not usually mad at my happiness, just happy at my madness.

cobaltgrc said...