So, feast your peepers on
Hellgate: London which, while not due out for a while yet, has me quite excited. In the not-too-distant future, Hellgates have opened across the Earth, and lots of nasty demons have swarmed into our world, spreading The Burning (no, they are not spreading gonorrhea) as they go, slowly transforming our world into one like their own. Fortunately for the world, there are player characters, which generally count for several billion zombies of killing power. Think awesomer, 3D Diablo II with a multiplayer component that sounds very interesting, throw in an incredible amount of Style Points (look at those Templar! Just look at them!), and you have HGL. I've been wasting some time recently posting at the
HellgateGuru forums the last couple days, and there are some decent (and as always with internet forums, some godawful or retarded) discussions going on over there.
SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Reading anything about Hellgate: London will fill you with an insatiable urge to play Diablo II again. Give in to this urge.
Also, another good source of procrastination material is
Caedes, a spiffy collection of art and such. I mostly look at the fractals, but there's some interesting photography and other art over there. I think you have to register to see most of it, but it's free so no biggie.
We now return to my regularly scheduled homework.
hmm... rifts anyone?
"I agree with Hans!"
-Peter Barry, 3:38 AM, Wednesday, May 24, 2006.
thank you peter.
Only waaaaaaaay cooler than Rifts. They do kind of look like Glitter armor though. Ah well, it's still looks awesome!
I've heard a little bit about this game and it does sound cool. It's a treasure collects dream come true as there's tons of stuff to find and use (like diablo). It sounds pretty cool. The only thing I have a question about is how intensive are the graphics? My computer is getting up there with age and I don't have any plans to upgrade it anytime soon. I'd like to play HGL but I dunno if I'll be able to run it. What have you heard pete?
Just a few quotes from the forums, pulled from people at Flagship Studio:
As for what will specifically be required. I honestly have no damn idea yet. But we want to be accessible, so we're going to have the "cheap" scaled down version of all the graphics in the game everyone can play. It shouldn't be too much to handle.
We don't have final system requirements laid out. My 2.0GHz, 2GB RAM, GeForce 7800 Go Dell laptop runs the game wonderfully at every setting, even max detail 1680 x 1050.
Basically, doesn't sound too hardcore, thankfully! Also it's not due out for probably a year (ugh, I know) at least so who knows what it'll be like by then, or what you'll have. I've seen some gameplay footage and it looks nice, but especially since they don't seem obsessed with bells and whistles, it probably won't be too much of a beast.
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