Yeah, I wasn't quite sure what to expect when Adama said that. I figured they'd just be going into some heavy Cylon fire or something. But no. He meant turbulence.

In other nerd news, Dawn of War: Dark Crusade is quite fun so far. I've only had a little time to play, but so far, the Tau rock hardxcore. We should get a game of that running at some point. Though in the meanwhile, it's funny to entrance my roommates with how gorgeously it let you blow stuff up.
Oh, so sadly I didn't get to watch the Battlestar episode on Friday (hence my delayed nerdgasm) due to an all-weekend quiz bowl tournament, which we dominated. The tournament was sweet though and it's one of the quirkier ones of the year; there were questions about, among other things, World of Warcraft-related internet fads (Lerooooy! and -50DKP came up), the GI Joe PSAs, and all kinds of anime. Hans, thank you for exposing me to all kinds of esoteric anime and related music - I got a whole lot of points in the Anime round just off of music and artists you and Stella gave me a long time ago. Good times.
Sorry there's not more interesting stuff to report - recent times have been dominated by the tournament, and plenty of homework - I have to revise my research proposal, and read more pages than are, I think, strictly allowed by the Geneva Conventions. Fortunately for my professors, we live in America (fuck yeah) where such trifles as anti-torture convetions are considered quaint, like that lamp in your grandma's house, or all the Matlock reruns she continually watches.
I mean, how else do you get the flimsy little Vipers into the atmosphere without burning up?
If the vipers were able to counter act the forces of gravity (using thrusters for example or some kind of anti-gravity drive) entering atmo wouldn't be a problem. This is why Tie Fighters don't burn up when they enter atmo. Things like NASA's apollo module burn because when it enters atmo it's falling towards earth and the friction of the air is causing things to heat up.
I dunno - anti-grav drives seem to be a bit beyond the tech they have, though I'm not sure. Though if they did, they'd probably have them on the Galactica and the whole plummeting thing might have been less of an issue. I know why the burning occurs; I also don't think that a Viper would have the necessary armor/heat absorbtion to take a full atmospheric reentry.
That being said, Starbuck's Viper survived the crash onto the red moon way back in season 1; however that moon had a pretty thin atmosphere so you wouldn't see as much friction. I'm also just not generally sure they have the strength (or even thrusters pointing in the right direction) to slow their descent enough. We know Raptors do, but I dunno about Vipers.
I guess the more I think about it, the less sure I am. In any case, I guess the main reason for jumping into the atmosphere was for surprise. Which it certainly accomplished.
/end nerd analysis
Obviously the Galactica doesn't seem to have this kind of system and thus falls, but I would assume if Vipers can fly normal in atmosphere I would think that they also have the lift to break into space... I remember seeing a Raptor do this.
So my conclusion for why Adama pulled such a bold move was so that he could suprise the Cylons by getting the Vipers as close to the action as possible, not because they can't enter the atmosphere without breaking up. It would after all take a while for the vipers to get down to help the people on the ground if they had to start from orbit. This would ruin Adama's initiative.
These are my thoughts.
Yeah, you're right. I imagine surprise WAS the main impetus for what he did. Still, while I know we've seen Raptors enter and escape atmo, I don't know if Vipers have the same capability. Raptors and Cylon Raiders can jump though, and Vipers can't, so who knows. Heh. Arguing minutia is fun.
I've just always thought of the Raptors like shuttles, and the Vipers like fighter jets - very different capabilities. But that's just me.
I think that's why he did it.
Oh, and I have watched that video. More than a few times.
"I've just always thought of the Raptors like shuttles, and the Vipers like fighter jets - very different capabilities. But that's just me."
Agreed, I'm just curious about the capabilities of these ships.
minutia is Nerd oxygen.
*jumps into thread*
*launches insults*
Pete's a noob
and metagaming scum
*jumps out*
y'all are dorks.
You've activated my Trap Card, April.
A costly mistake.
*it turns out Poke's insults were just decoys*
re: Trap
See previous Admiral Snackbar entry.
Drones... the whole thing's a trick.
*looks to baltar*
Where's the punchline.
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