So, today (technically yesterday) was Thxgiving, and after that movie, I'm mostly just thankful that no one I know has brain cancer (knock on wood). There are many other things I'm thankful for, and as for the people I'm thankful for, you know who you are. I'll just leave it at that, because putting it in words always seems to cheapen it somewhat.
This year also marks the second year that Dad has made good use of my vacation know how most people get up really early to make it to all the good deals on Black Friday? Well I just stay up all night and then go out and buy things for cheap. This year, I'm waiting until Office Depot opens up at 6am and going to purchase some cheap Mp3 players and surge protectors/battery backup supplies. Exciting, I know. But, it gives me an excuse to stay up all night, blogging and gaming, and to feel nary a guilty twinge for it.
Oh, and since I realized that I only posted the textless version of this earlier, here is the second in the series: